
Managed by Canine Concern Scotland Trust

Area Representatives: Sign-In | Scottish Charity No: SC014924

CCST Celebrates 36 Years of Volunteering in Scotland

Canine Concern Scotland Trust was formed on 26th April 1988 by the late Marjorie Henley Price to help dogs and their owners, and to improve their position in present-day society. Its aims are to:

  • Provide an educational service to promote responsible dog ownership in Scotland by visiting schools to reach dog owners of the future, or to give talks, supply useful literature and advice to any interested Community Groups.
  • Establish and manage a service to be known as "Therapet".
  • Further the role and care of dogs in Scotland, either directly or in co-operation with Government, Local Authorities and other organisations in Scotland, whether charitable or not.
  • Promote research into the therapeutic value of dogs to patients or others isolated from normal association with pets.

We now do all this and a lot more with our 900 plus strong volunteer force throughout Scotland. Presently we have well established additional programmes running:

Paws Against Stress –

Taking groups of volunteers and their Therapets into Universities, Colleges and places of further education and work places to relieve stress during exam time or in the work place.

Reading With Dogs –

Our volunteers taking a Therapet into mainly Primary Schools for one to one sessions. This is to help with reading capabilities and engagement in literacy. This also helps to encourage reluctant readers and builds confidence in reading abilities. We also visit Secondary Schools.

Airport Stress relief –

Volunteers working in pairs with their Therapets at an airport to help relieve possible stress of flying and every day circumstances. (we were the first in the UK to do this at Aberdeen Airport)

Children with a fear of dogs –

This work is carried out with the NHS CAMHS units. A volunteer and a Therapet work with a client on a one to one basis alongside a psychologist to help with dog phobia.

Children & Dogs film –

We now have our second version of this format available for viewing from our website. This is an educational Film about keeping safe in and around dogs and their needs.

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